Bet On Things

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As sports leagues have been put on pause so has the gambling industry. If there are no sports going on, you can’t really bet so gamblers looking for some sports action have had to get creative. There’s some very obscure sports out there somewhere in the world and if you can find a sportsbook to take on hockey from Belarus, go nuts, but it might be time to practice appropriate social distancing and look for other things to bet on with your friends or roommates while you’re all sitting around at your respective homes.

1 The man who bet on getting women's breasts for a year and kept them. A Black woman led the charge for the vaccine. While you may not be familiar with the name Dr. You can also bet on these random things Your guess is as good as anyone’s with these wildly fun bets. What will be the first Gatorade colour dunked over the winning coach? Orange (2.20) Yellow/Lime/Green (3.75) Red (4.00) Blue (8.00) Purple (9.00) Clear/White (10.00) Who will the MVP mention first in his speech? Teammates (1.90) God (3.00. Bet on (someone or something) 1. To place a wager on someone or something. I bet on the winning horse!

These are five non-sports things to bet on with your friends to fill your gambling fix.

The weather

Unlike most of the other things on this list, there are some sportsbooks actually taking bets on the weather. For instance, Bovada is taking wagers on the temperature in multiple cities. It’s difficult enough for meteorologists to figure out what the weather is going to be so you may as well give it a shot too.

Sports video game simulations

This is technically sports related but I wouldn’t really consider watching two AI teams playing against each other in a video game a “sport.” Don’t get me wrong, eSports is different and a competition between actual people could be a sport but it’s a bit different when humans don’t have anything to do with the game. Either way, when you’re missing the drama of a basketball game coming down to the wire, the virtual version could be an alternative.

Bet On Things

Heat moneyline looked like a lock, then Tony Parker from the logo happened 🎯


Bet On Things

— br_betting (@br_betting) March 15, 2020

Good Things To Bet On

Daytime TV

Since many people are at home, there’s a lot more time to watch TV. Daytime TV is loaded with mind-numbing content that may need a bit of gambling to spice things up. You can watch one of the hundreds of court shows on TV and bet on who wins their case or you can bet on the outcomes of paternity tests on Maury. Maury usually has a lie detector or DNA test episode on every day so if you’re going to watch, you may as well put a few bucks on what happens and pass the time.

Game shows

While contestants are trying to win cash and prizes, you could maybe bet a friend to win some money too. Flip through the channels and you’re bound to come across a game show. I mean, there are networks dedicated to them. Game shows are perfect because for most of them, you can participate along and either bet on the contestant or the game itself.

Reality competition shows

We can argue how much actual “reality” is in these reality competition shows but the important thing is that there’s one winner and a bunch of losers and there are plenty of these shows airing in prime time. Whether it’s singing or dancing or anything else, you can bet on who gets eliminated each week or pick a finalist and bet on them being the winner. Either way, there’s plenty of action each week.

If you’ve hit a losing streak with your sports bets or your favorite sports just aren’t available yet, then it might be time to try something new.

But the suggestions I’ve made on this page aren’t just your average baseball or basketball bets. This list is made up of some of the most bizarre things you can bet on. If you’re sick and tired of your usual routine, then these might be worth a shot!

Below, you’ll find 10 strange events and “sports” you can and always have been able to bet on legally.

1 – Wife-Carrying

Wife-carrying. It sounds like a guy that can’t let go of his ex, maybe? But it’s an actual sport that started in Northern Europe.

The basics are simple. A person has to carry their partner (they don’t necessarily have to be married to the carrier). Either way, the two-person team must go through a challenging obstacle course. The team that finishes the course the fastest wins the game.

In Ireland, this is a professional sport that gamblers legitimately bet on. Paddy Power is the title sponsor of the All-Ireland Wife Carrying Championship. The Irish love to bet on this event.

Other countries like Estonia, Australia, and Finland are also big wife-carrying countries. Residents here also bet on the bizarre sport. Finland happens to be the home of the Wife Carrying World Championship.

2 – The Next Pope

Betting on the next Pope seems like playing with fire, especially because religion and gambling don’t usually mix. As a matter of fact, when gambling is made illegal in a specific jurisdiction, it’s usually because of the majority of the population’s religious beliefs.

But that’s irrelevant to this bizarre bet. Apparently, it’s perfectly legal to bet on the next Pope. In case you’re not aware, the Pope is basically the “president” of Catholicism.

Most American sportsbooks are taking bets right now on who will become the new Pope. At the time of writing, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of the Philippines is the current favorite.

No other betting event has more mystery and secrecy surrounding the outcome.

3 – Proof of Intelligent Life on Another Planet or in Space

Let’s keep the vibe going with topics that are bigger than us humans. You can bet on whether there is proof of intelligent life somewhere besides Earth. How would we even prove this?

We have our hands full with this planet already, as well as trying to get humans to the moon as a vacation destination.

Bet On Things

You have to dig around, but some online sportsbooks take bets when a sitting president of the United States tells the American public that we have proof of intelligent life outside of our planet. The Pentagon currently has a UFO task force, but no top government official has outright and explicitly stated the existence of intelligent life on another planet.

So far, all sightings of UFOs have been alleged. But can you imagine the return on getting that bet right, especially during your lifetime?

4 – The Royal Family

You should be getting the idea that nothing is off the table when it comes to legal betting. Okay, this is not entirely true, but you can go ahead and lay down a bet on just about anything that has to do with the Royal Family.

Some bets we’ve come across in the past include the following:

Bet On Sure Things

  • Will Harry and Megan lose their titles?
  • Will Megan and Kate ever be friends?
  • How long will Queen Elizabeth’s reign last?

Just about any American sportsbook is taking bets on all things Royal Family. Look around, and find a quirky topic you like. Then, just go for it! Betting on one of the most prominent families in world makes betting feel a little bit more exciting.

5 – Celebrity Deaths

Like most of us, I’m not a fan of death, nor am I a celebrity follower. But betting on celebrity deaths has its own niche community.

While betting on the death of a human is illegal in the United States, you can bet for points on Doug Stanhope’s Celebrity Death Pool. The site is obvious in their terms and conditions that they don’t support, nor is it legal to bet on, celebrities’ deaths. Please don’t think you can make money off this site.

Bet On Things

But if you have a darker side or simply have a strange gut feeling about the next celebrity death, this would be a fantastic option. Maybe it’s a spooky event you can take part in for the Halloween season.

The betting teams are called funeral homes. And I’m sure some of you will love the dark playfulness to this site. We told you this list was full of bizarre bets!

6 – Bog Snorkelling

The British love bizarre events to bet on, and that’s definitely evident here. Enter the Rude Health World Bog Snorkelling Championship.

Many UK sportsbooks are open for bets on something as far-out as bog snorkelling championships. It’s such a massive and weird event that Lonely Planet lists it as one of the 50 bucket list items in the world.

Bet Things To Do In La

What’s bog snorkelling, you ask? It’s pretty much what you think it is. Contestants are simply racing through a bog via snorkelling.

It’s tougher than it seems. Bogs can be tricky, murky, and present the swimmers with some obstacles that are tough to navigate. If you’re planning to take part, keep in mind that the champion has been the favorite for a few years.

7 – Bingo With Animals

This one is a twofer. There’s cow patty bingo and ferret bingo. I couldn’t locate any American laws against the following sports. I also couldn’t locate any official web pages. So, bear with me.

Ferret Bingo – No, that isn’t a typo. People bring their pet ferrets and let them loose in cages that have tunnels. The adorably stinky rodents go through the tunnel mazes (they each have their own identical maze).

The ferret that gets out of the maze first wins. And you can bet on it for some extra excitement.

Cow Patty Bingo – This one has got to be popular all over the world. Gamblers bet on where the cow is going to do her business in a field.

It’s more like playing roulette than bingo, actually. I personally think it’s intriguing. It must be stinky, but it’s definitely fascinating.

Again, I could not find any legislation that outlaws this sport, so I guess the rules are wide open. But, as with most gambling, if it’s illegal to bet in general, you probably shouldn’t don’t do it in your jurisdiction.

Last but not least, make sure you don’t step into the winning patty!

Best Things To Bake

8 – Kim Jong Un

Paddy Power is back at it again. The sports gambling giant takes bets on anything having to do with Kim Jong Un.

Bet On Random Things

You want to place a bet on when he will stop leading the country? Done. You want to bet on whether his sister will take over? Done. You get the idea.

What’s weird and sketchy about betting on this elusive leader is the fact that the North Korean government is so tight-lipped about his life. They’re notorious for making up “stories” about his unwavering health and just not being truthful to the public in general.

The untrustworthiness of the private country makes this bet a volatile one at best. At worst, we don’t really know what’s going on most of the time.

Do we even really know if he’s still in power?

9 – Cheese Rolling

The UK is back at it again. In Gloucester (a southern region in England), they host the Cheese Rolling Competition every spring.

Bet On Things

The sporting event is straightforward. Contestants roll oversized wheels of cheese on a hill. The first cheese roller to cross the finish line with their cheese in tow wins. Bets are legal on this simple sport, of course. What harm could a bet on a cheesy sprint bring to the public?

The winning cheese is usually the prize, but on a serious note, who wants a beat up 70-lb. wheel of cheese? I guess the winning bettor is the real prize winner here.

Bet On Things

10 – The End of the World

Paddy Power is aware we will place a bet on just about anything, including when the end of the world will be.

I see a major problem with this bet. First of all, how will you know if you win the bet or not?

The world would be over, right? I wonder if you can bet on when the world will quit betting on silly things. The best odds were 500 to 1 that it would be before 2019. Here we are, more than halfway through the worst year on record, and it still hasn’t ended.

Talk about a volatile bet!


This list of 10 crazy bets is just the tip of the iceberg. I didn’t even look at the illegal bets that people out there are still actively betting on.

Have you bet on any of these events? And would you? Let us know your thoughts about our list in the comments below.