Casanova Life
One of the common conceits for Giacomo Casanova is that “he is more than you think”. Many people know Casanova as the great lover he was, but in reality, he was far more than that. He was intellectual genius, writer, poet, musician, lover, and one of the best spies in the history of mankind. That is right, Casanova was a spy for more than 10 years of his life. One thing he wasn’t successful at, though, is finances. Casanova was constantly in debt, and that was one of the reason he got imprisoned several times. Some of the negative epithets that Casanova is known for are thief, charlatan, rogue, con man, opportunist and a bon vivant.
Rapper Casanova who is jailed in New York in a gang-related federal racketeering case, is facing disciplinary charges over a dance challenge video posted on social media. The 34-year-old rapper. Born to Show and Tell About It. In 1725, a little Giacomo Casanova was born to a Venetian show.
Casanova was born in Venice, the city in which he became famous for his womanizing skills. He was blessed to have a mother with many patrons and money, which allowed Casanova to go to great schools and receive good education. He studied to be a lawyer, and his affairs with women made him a powerful man. At one point, Casanova was imprisoned in Venice. After he escaped prison, Casanova traveled around the world, and he finally returned to Venice in 1774. From that year, up to 1782, he was working as a spy for the Inquisitors of State in Venice. He died in 1798 at 73 years old, living rich, interesting and full with adventures life. This is the life story of Giacomo Casanova.
Casanova’s scams
As we mentioned previously, Casanova was a known con man, rogue, thief and opportunist. Through his life, he was known for a couple of scams. Here are some of his most famous scams.
After he escaped prison, he fled to Paris where he represented himself as an alchemist. Casanova told everyone he is 300 years old, and that he can create diamonds from scratch. Every patrician in Paris wanted a piece of Casanova. His lies in Paris got him another job, as he was spotted by a count, who saw opportunity in Casanova’s skills to tell everything with a straight face.
After he started working for the Count, Casanova was a spy, and one of his most popular missions was to sell state bonds in Amsterdam. With lies and tricks, he became one of the wealthiest men in Amsterdam, only to lose his fortune on his many lovers.
In 1760, Casanova made up a completely new personality for himself. He became known as the Chevalier de Seingalt. He was completely broke, and went to Paris. There, he convinced a noblewoman that he can make her a young man, if she pays him enough. Casanova swore in occult means and tricks, and he managed to get money from the noblewoman.
He also traveled through England, where he scammed until he got a meeting with King George III. He also met with Catherine the Great. Casanova tried to sell her an idea for a Russian lottery scheme.
Escape from prison
As mentioned, Casanova was imprisoned in Venice because of his scams and womanizing activities. But even in prison, Giacomo found a way to “seduce and charm his way out”. Casanova managed to befriend a priest in the cell above him, and constantly exchanged books with him. The womanizer asked the priest for help, as he told him his plans for prison break.
Casanova sent the priest a handmade spike, which he used to break through the floor. The spike was hidden in a Bible, and after few weeks of work, the priest managed to break through. The problem was Casanova received a new cellmate, a spy for the Council. However, as always, Casanova recognized the faith of his new cellmate, and used it against him. Giacomo explained his new friend that an angel will come down and free him. Once the priest broke through, Casanova told the cellmate that was the Angel and the man believed him. Such tactics were what made Casanova so successful in the world of spies, and as a womanizer.
Casanova as a spy
The reason Casanova became a spy was his love for his hometown of Venice. In order to be accepted back into the city, Casanova had to make a deal with the Inquisitors, and promise he will spy for them. Knowing his charm, connections with influenced people and his ability to get into high society events, Inquisitors were delighted to make the deal.
They believed a person with set of skills as specific as Casanova’s, would be perfect to befriend con men, courtesans and gamblers, gather information from and about them, and then pass the information to the Inquisitors.
According to Casanova, he was perfect for the role, as he didn’t have to skulk as much as other spies, as he was natural for the roe. Nobody saw him as a threat, and he was always likeable in the noble society circles.
What is doubtful about his spying career is that there are no written proof, or even stories about his role as a world class spy. All of the information comes from his own writings and memoirs. However, if the facts written in the book, and he writes about being friends with some of the most influential and powerful people in the world, you can easily place Casanova in the top 10 ranking of world class spies.
Casanova and Gambling
Another thing that few people know about Casanova is that he was a huge gambler. We mentioned that people associate Casanova only with his womanizing skills. But in order to succeed in the world of spies, Casanova had to gamble as well. Not that he didn’t enjoy it.
Casanova was tutored by professionals. He had streaks of wins, but also losing streaks. One thing that he cleverly used during his gambling was cheats. Sometimes, he teamed up with professional gamblers in order to get profit.
In his memoirs, Casanova admitted that he was not disciplined to be a professional gambler. In his own words, “I had neither prudence enough to leave off when fortune was adverse, nor sufficient control over myself when I had won.' Casanova used gambling for making connections, flirting with noblewomen and for making quick money on the go.
Seduction tactics
During Casanova’s era, most nobles married for social connections rather than love. What he managed to give those women was love, admiration, attention and a feeling they are the center of his world. Back in those days, flirtations and bedroom games were common among nobles.
He describes his personality as “dominated by his sensual urge”. Many thing he was complex and multi-faced, but Casanova describes himself as simple. In his book, Casanova says that “he has always loved the opposite sex and he did all that he could to make himself loved by the opposite sex”.
His ideal liaison always included elements beyond sex, such as heroes and villains, complicated plots, gallant outcomes and much more. One of his most common moves was to discover a woman in trouble, ameliorate her difficulty, seduce her, dip in quick and short exciting affair, and then pair her with a worthy man. After he managed to find a suitable man for the women, he always exited the scene.
Casanova always points to verbal communication as the key to success, as he believes that “without speech, the pleasure of love is diminished”. Casanova was witty, charming, and helpful as he was always doing small favors for the women he loved. That was the seduction part, before he moved into the bedroom. While he claimed he is not predatory, it is a fact that most of his “victims” were emotionally exposed or insecure women.
What he valued the most in a woman was intelligence. He famously said that “a beautiful woman without a mind of her own leaves her lover with no resource after he had physically enjoyed her charms.'
Famous quotes
- One who makes no mistakes, makes nothing
- If you have not done things worthy of being written about, at least write things worthy of being read
Casanova Live
- I have always loved truth so passionately that I have often resorted to lying as a way of introducing it into the minds which were ignorant of its charms.
- As for myself, I always willingly acknowledge my own self as the principal cause of every good and of every evil which may befall me; therefore, I have always found myself capable of being my own pupil, and ready to love my teacher.
- Enjoy the present, bid defiance to the future, laugh at all those reasonable beings who exercise their reason to avoid the misfortunes which they fear, destroying at the same time the pleasure that they might enjoy.
- I have loved women even to madness, but I have always loved liberty better.
- The same principle that forbids me to lie does not allow me to tell the truth.
Casanova Philosophy Of Life
- Man is a free agent; but he is not free if he does not believe it, for the more power he attributes to Destiny, the more he deprives himself of the power which God granted him when he gave him reason.
Don Pablo González Casanova (Comandante Pablo Contreras

By: Gilberto López y Rivas
On February 11, Pablo González Casanova, the most renowned and recognized intellectual in contemporary Mexico, celebrated 99 years of a life full of contributions to critical thinking about a social science committed to the oppressed and exploited, indigenous peoples and socialism.
In a few brief autobiographical strokes, González Casanova recalls the formative roots that marked the guiding lines of his action and thinking: a father who wills his son his spirit of rebellion, socialist ideas, ideological pluralism, respect for the religious beliefs of others and the intellectual option; a mother who taught order and discipline, punctuality and domestic work as also the task of men, the art of living and resolving concrete problems, a taste for languages and strengthening of the will.
The teachers and courses left “a good legacy of a jurist apprentice and bachelor with important reinforcement in national history.” The decisive influence the teachers at The College of Mexico (El Colegio de México), most who came from republican Spain, and who taught “to work, to think, to investigate what we don’t know, and to write what we were sure of, ready to discover errors, after having made efforts to eliminate them.”
There was the influence of his best friend in those years, the Cuban Martí-Communist Julio Le Riverend, from whom he learned to be tolerant of those who don’t think like him, including conservatives and the bourgeoisie. The lessons of life as a graduate student in France with Fernand Braudel: the theaters, museums, the art of conversation peppered with humor, wit, and references to the day’s readings. It was in Paris where he studied philosophy, sociology and Marxism. In Marxism, he became interested in Gramsci, whose complete works Vicente Lombardo Toledano gifted him.
“I believe –writes don Pablo– that the free and fair way of thinking that my father left me was reinforced with the magnificent philosophy of Gramsci, and the patriotic sense that my elementary school teachers, and the entire Mexican school system, combined with the encounter with communism –that I met through Le Riverend and through a streetcar friend called Suárez– and with the Marxist Leninist nationalism the official Mexican style, in which Lombardo was a teacher.”
On a scale closer to the political struggle –Casanova pointes out– “with La democracia en México (Democracy in Mexico), I initiated an exploration of freedom, participation in government and the State, the problem of national and state sovereignty, and the necessary confluence in the project of those who think or thought with empiricist or Marxist philosophies.”
From the fraternal friendship with Luis Cardoza y Aragón, which was strengthened with his defense of Guatemala faced with the State coup, González Casanova recognizes that he owes him the “curious method of criticizing revolutions without becoming counterrevolutionary and of supporting revolutions without becoming adulterous.”
In “The Zapatista Caracols: networks of resistance and autonomy (interpretation essay)”, Pablo González Casanova affirms that the Zapatista movement has given rich contributions to the construction of an alternative. The idea of creating organizations that are a tool of objectives and values to be achieved and to make autonomy and “govern obeying” not remain in the world of abstract concepts or incoherent words. This power project is not constructed under the logic of “State power” that imprisoned previous revolutionary or reformist positions, leaving the main protagonist abysmally ignorant of autonomy, be it the working class, the nation or the citizen. Nor is it constructed with the logic of creating an “acratic” society where no one holds power, the logic that prevailed in anarchist and libertarian positions (and that subsists in unhappy expressions as “anti-power,” which not even its authors know what it means), but which is renewed with the concepts of self-government of civil society “empowered” with a participatory democracy, which knows how to represent and knows how to control its representatives in whatever is necessary to respect “agreements.”
The project of the Caracoles is a project of peoples-government that they articulate among themselves and that seeks to impose paths of peace, as much as possible, without morally or materially disarming the peoples-government, less in moments and regions where the State and local oligarchy’s repressive organs, with their varied systems of cooptation and repression are following increasingly aggressive, cruel and foolish patterns of the neoliberalism of war that includes hunger, unhealthiness and the “obliged ignorance” of the immense majority of the peoples, either to weaken them, decimate them or even to destroy them if it’s necessary, when the systems of intimidation, cooptation and corruption of leaders and masses fail.
Casanova Life In Hindi
Congratulations, Comandante Pablo Contreras!
Originally Published in Spanish by La Jornada
Casanova My Life
Friday, February 19, 2021
Casanova The Story Of My Life
Re-Published with English interpretation by the Chiapas Support Committee