Dice Control Throw

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'Dice control' or 'dice setting' is an advantage play technique used in craps to set and throw the dice in such a way as to make the dice more likely to land on certain numbers. Skeptics assert that controlling the dice in this way is practically impossible, but notable gambling experts like Michael Shackleford and Stanford Wong seem to give some credence to the notion that this might be possible. The EVOLUTION THROW™ is a Complete Methodology for throwing Off-Axis dice controlled throwing. It is a Fully Researched and Fully Field Tested Dice Control Methodology. You can use the EVOLUTION THROW™ to break up the seven or throw to achieve certain numbers!!! What Are The Benefits Of Learning The Evolution Throw? This page is the second part of the dice control guide.Once you have the basics down, such as throwing the dice level and parallel to the surface of the craps table, then the next step is to choose a good dice set and really start to apply your newly taught skills. Dice control in Craps consists of eight physical elements in order to win. The Dominator's elements from this video will teach you where to stand, how to sca.

The Controversy of Dice Control

If there is one indisputable truth about gambling, it is that every system has a flaw that can used to your advantage – the trick is finding what that is. As it happens, the answer is usually hidden in the element that is central to the game. Whatever decides the outcome is the element that you need to control and with Craps, the destiny unrolls with the dice.

Rumour has it that by introducing a certain technique in the way you are holding and rolling the dice, you can make sure that the desired combination of numbers lands on the Craps table. The crucial part of Dice Control is Dice Setting, which deals with the mannerism of holding dice before throwing them.

Dice Setting

According to the followers of Dice Control principle, there are two things one will have to perfect before joining the Craps table:

  • Dice Sets
  • Dice Grips

Dice setting is obviously the way one sets the dice before rolling them. The most common sets are represented in the table below, and which one the players will use depends on the end result they are trying to achieve.

Dice SetDescription
All 7s Adjusting the dice so that each face side gives a total of 7
Hard WayHard totals on all face sides (hard 10, hard 8 …)
3 VCombination forming a V shape, set as a pair of 3 forming a V on top and 6+2 on the side
2 V2s forming a V on top and 1-3, 4-6, 1-4, 3-6 on the side
6-5/5-4 6+5 on top and 5+4 on the side
Straight 6s6+6 on top and 2+2 on the side
Crossed 6s6+6 on top – one placed vertically and the other horizontally
6-5/4-46+5 on the top and 4+4 on the side
6-4/5-66+4 on the top and 5+6 on the side
6-5/5-66+5 on the top and 5+6 on the side

Those who thought that tossing the dice is all one needs to do at this point are only partially right. What you have to do next is to make sure that your dice stay on the axis when you roll them. In other words, you should imagine that there is a metal wire that is cutting through your dice, keeping them in a fixed joint position. If you are able to roll with that notion on your mind, you should eventually be able to reduce the number of possible pip combinations from 36 to 12. The idea here is to try to stay on the axis every single time, making sure that the final result is one of the pip combinations that you have pre-set.

Another important thing to remember is that each of the dice set should be adjusted to the Shooter’s skills and the pip total that they need to land. For example, the All 7s set is suitable for beginners and should be used for Come Out roll – the first roll tossed in Craps – whereas the Hard Way can be used by the players of the same level, but works best for all the rolls after the Come Out, due to the combinations of numbers that would be optimal for that stage of the game.

If you reached the intermediate level and need a 6 or an 8, you will want to use 3V set while more advanced players will set the dice on 6-5/5-6, Crossed 6s and Straight 6s.

Dice Grips

The way you hold your dices has a lot to do with whether or not you will be able to pull off the throw without going off the axis. This is the matter of your personal preference as well as figuring out which Dice Grip provides the best result with the minimum friction while staying on the axis at the same time.

The only way to find the optimal Dice Grip is to test all of the below-listed techniques and see which one provides you with the most hits – you will discover that the best grip is the one that’s the least awkward to pull off, since it is merely impossible to roll or slide the dice if your Dice Grip feels insecure.

Some of the most popular ways to hold the dice are:

  • Ice Tong grip (holding the dice horizontally at the sides with your thumb on one side and index and middle finger on the other)
  • Stacked grip (same approach, only with vertically positioned dice)
  • Five Finger grip (where the players hold one side of the dice with their thumb and the other side with all four fingers)
  • Three Finger Front grip ( same as the previous method, only with 3 fingers)
  • Three Finger Front Diagonal grip (same as the Three Finger Front, with dice being held askew)
  • 2 Finger Pincer grip (works like a counterpart of Three Finger Front Grip, but with index and ring fingers removed)
  • 2 Finger Front Diagonal grip (dice are being held at an angle, with middle finger and thumb

on the sides)

Deciding on the grip and how to set the dice is only an intro to another phase of developing your Craps skills, which is practising. Consider it a sports discipline and make sure to do it daily. As you progress, you will also notice your signature numbers emerging, which are the dice pips that you yourself are most likely to land.

It should also be mentioned that sliding the dice, or tossing it in a way that will not actually roll them, but simply slide both or one of them across the surface of the table is an action that can get you in a lot of trouble with the casino authorities.

In a brick and mortar venues, Stickman is always watching the Shooter closely and for the sliding to work, you will have to be a magician, otherwise, the casino staff will escort you to the main exit.

When you are feeling confident enough to joint the actual table, make sure to find the right table position and, if possible, go for the shorter table. The best place to stand if you are a right-handed “pitcher” is left from the Stickman while the left-handed players will do best to choose the position on the Stickman’s right. The closest you get to the Back Wall, the less likely will the dice scatter and therefore, the less randomness you can expect.

Online Craps Strategy

What happens when you are not able to control any of the above-explained factors and you are restricted from making any physical contact with the dice?

Fortunately, even with online or Live Dealer Craps variant, there are a few aspects (betting wise) that you can influence since they rely entirely on odds.

  • #1 Make Pass Line your first bet – the house edge here is only 1.4% and you either stand a chance of winning or waiting for a new roll when the point is established.
  • #2 Always go with the Odds bet – free Odds bet has literally 0% house edge and if the casino allows it, do not be afraid of doubling the amount.
  • #3 Place two Come bets after the first Pass Line bet and increase your odds with three simultaneous bets
  • #4 Stay clear from the Proposition bets as the house edge is almost 14%
  • #5 Avoid Big 6, 8, Hard 4 and Hard 10 – payout for 6 and 8 before 7 can only bring 1 to 1 payout which is not worth the house edge of 9%. Hard 10 has an even higher edge ( 11% ) and even though the payout is 7 to 1, the risk level exceeds the probability of actually landing this total.

The ethical side of Dice manipulation

The downside of the above-described techniques is that there’s no definite proof of their reliability and they carry too much risk for the player if executed poorly. On the other side, there is a moral objection to using Dice Setting and Dice Grips to your advantage – even if you are not overly sensitive about swindling a casino, there is still a higher moral code we should all abide by, and in this case, it concerns your fellow players.


This also brings up the question of the purity of the game itself. Any player is entitled to the most transparent and cleanest gameplay that the casino can provide so affecting the outcome of what is supposed to be a game of chance and luck is tainting the very nature of Craps.


How To Throw Dice Consistently

One way to avoid that would be to play at Live Casino tables that are streamed live from studios around the world; the Dice are rolled by the Dealers, with the clear shot of their hands so there is virtually no room for any Dice sliding. Alternatively, Craps is also available in video form and gaming venues such as Drake Casino and Royal Panda offer Craps in both real money and demo mode for those who would like to see just how much they are in favour of the gods, before submitting actual bets.

Dice Control Guides

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Youtube Dice Control

This page is the second part of the dice control guide. Once you have the basics down, such as throwing the dice level and parallel to the surface of the craps table, then the next step is to choose a good dice set and really start to apply your newly taught skills. We will talk about two major concepts of dice setting and precision shooting: stopping the dice on the axis and correlation.

First, dice sets are very important and paramount. This is what you do to get them 'set' before throwing them. Essentially, you start off by sticking the two dices together in order to throw them along an axis as if it were a solid rectangular block. With that, you are placing certain numbers on top and other numbers on the sides. You can align them to make ideal combinations on the sides of the dice to produce the desired effect. I added a picture of what set dice look like below. This is an example of the 3V dice set with a 6 on the top face. There are many, many different dice sets to experiment with and they make certain numbers appear more efficiently than others. Also, each shooter is different so some sets work better with people than others.

Correlation means that the number on one die is dependent on the the number of the other die. Once you are able to control the outcome of the dice after a roll, then you have achieved correlation, though it may not be perfect. The goal is to have your dice be thrown and stop on the axis that it is thrown on. This is similar to what I said before where you would like both dice to be thrown as if they were glued together and spin on a similar axis. When they hit the wall, they should break apart but you want them to spin an equal number of times so that they still land 'on axis' on the numbers that you are trying to throw.

I have to stress that it is more important to just throw the dice perfectly on axis than to get them to stop rolling on axis because it is very hard to do this after they bounce off the wall. Just focus on throwing them perfectly, which is the element that you can control. The rest will just happen on its own and you will win more frequently. Just think of dice control as an additional mathematical edge where your odds improve over the long run even though it may not be apparent. The better your skill gets, the higher your edge goes. Though, if you have been doing this for years, the grand masters can actually become good enough to get the dice to stop on axis!


Dice Setting and the 'Sevens to Rolls Ratio' (SRR)

sevens to rolls ratio or SRR is a great indicator for how well you do as a crapshooter. It rates how well your skill level is and it gives you information about your natural style. To calculate and find your SRR, players must begin by counting their total rolls and the number of times that a seven has been rolled. For example, you can count up 100 throws to find this data. Players may do this with hard way numbers and craps numbers as well. To calculate the ration, just divide your total number of 7s by the total number of rolls.

The SRR is related to the actual true odds of rolling random numbers over the long term, so you have to have a large sample size to be accurate. If your throws are completely random, you should have a ratio of 1:6 for sevens to total rolls. In order to start beating the house edge on the pass line and come bets, you should have a ratio of 1:6.1 or greater. Eventually, when the ratio gets to 1:6.4, many experts say it is safe to start playing with real money against the casino. A ratio of 1:6.5 becomes very good and anything higher is excellent. Note that the ratios can be reversed as well. If you are trying to shoot 7, a ratio of 1:5.5 means that you are throwing a lot more sevens and you can benefit more with the any sevens bet.

A few things to watch for is the double pitch problem when one of the dies rolls a distance of two faces or 180 degrees more than the other. It is usually caused by a faulty release of the dice and from the curvature of the fingers placed on the surface of the dice. A good way to correct this is to set the dice in order to have 7s showing on the near faces and the top. Otherwise, keep on practicing and watch what your fingers are doing because this is usually the cause of the problem. The ring finger and the thumb tend to be the biggest culprits.

When trying to figure out how to choose your dice set, you should take in mind what kinds of throws work best. Look at how well the dice actually stop directly on the axis. This is hard to do and many people cannot do this. If you are having trouble getting to stop on the axis, then set the dice with sevens on all the faces that you can. If you do get your dice to stop on the axis often, then do the opposite and do not put as many sevens on the faces.

Best Way To Throw Dice In Craps

Stopping on the axis means that the dice are still rolling together at the same rate, even if they break apart after they hit the wall. Then they stop exactly the way they should and land in a similar orientation that you threw them in. This is the ideal goal of precision shooting. Remember, the wall and the bumps on the sides of the craps table are designed to mess up the axis and produce more randomness. So the goal is to get the dice to land on the table as quickly as possible after they hit the wall, which is best done using a backspin technique.

In summary, the goal is again to throw the dice parallel and level to the surface of the table. You want to produce a backspin if possible to counteract hitting the wall and you want to dice to land as close to the opposite wall as possible after hitting it to produce less randomness. Keep on practicing and figure out what your SRR to find out if you have good correlation going on. Then choose your dice set based on how well you throw sevens or not, but also factor in your ability to get the dice to stop on axis.

Dice Control Throwing Aces

At the beginning of the article, I posted a link to my first part of dice control. Visit that page and then look at the links on that page to visit those other sites and look at all the different types of dice sets and which ones work best for different numbers and players. This might all seem complicated at first but really, this becomes very easy once you start practicing. My word of advice is you can not become good at dice control by reading. You have to acquire the skill by throwing real dice. Remember that this is a skill that you can learn and take with you the rest of your life and it's actually one of the easiest and safest ways to take advantage of the casino without having to know a lot of mathematics (unlike card counting in blackjack).