Difference Between American And Canadian Football

Difference Between American And Canadian Football 6,8/10 421 votes

There is one tight end and 2 safeties respectively. Number of downs: American football has 4 downs and Canadian has 3, and this remains the most significant difference between the two games. This affects the game as a whole – it is more pass and kick orientated in Canada as a result of the reduced number of downs. Canadian football’s earliest history remains uncertain. It is generally agreed that rugby came to Canada with British soldiers early in the 19th century, and games were reported in the Toronto Globe as early as 1859. Students at the University of Toronto were playing football by the early 1860s, but it was clubs in Quebec and Ontario, rather than universities as in the United States, that.

Do American and British English have significant differences or are these slight accent problems? If you talk to any British, they would say, Americans don’t speak ‘REAL’ English instead its American English. Same is the case with Americans as well. So, who is right?

Because while speaking or listening to them both, you can’t precisely identify those differences then how this variation came into being. Let’s dig into it today and see what the actual differences between British and American English are.

  1. Contents

    • Difference of Accent is an undeniable fact

    Vocabulary is used Differently

The first thing which you would notice as a difference between British and American English is the ‘Vocabulary’. Even everyday words are majorly different. Let’s see some of the examples.

  • Kids like to eat crisps. (British English)

Kids like to eat potato chips. (American English)

  • Amy is going on a holiday. (British English)

Amy is going on a vacation. (American English)

  • She goes to the pub on the weekend. (British English)

She goes to the bar on the weekend. (American English)

So, now you would have observed that there are hundreds of everyday words that are different and are used in different ways.

  1. Difference in using some Prepositions

The difference doesn’t only lie till spellings or punctuation but also in the use of prepositions as well. For example in British English, there is a sentence that athletes play in a team. Whereas in American English it would be written as that athletes play on a team. Similarly, there is a sentence that we want to enroll on a university course, but Americans would say that we want to enroll in a course. Another example is towards the lake as written in British English and toward the lake in American English. These are the main differences in the daily use of prepositions in both languages.

Difference Between American And Canadian Football

  1. Difference in using some Irregular Verbs

The usage of past form and past participle form is different in them. For example, in British English, mostly the past and past participle of verbs are formed by adding “t” instead of “ed” to the infinitive of the verb.

The past and past participles of learned, spelled, and burned in American English are written as learnt, spelt, and burnt in British English.

  1. The difference in use of Collective Nouns

In British English, collective nouns take either singular or plural verb forms. Hence, the British will say and write that Napoleon’s army are on their way. In American English, all collective nouns take the singular verb form. Therefore, there it is being said that the army is on the way.

  1. Difference in using Will and Shall

For the first person singular, the British like to use “shall” whereas Americans prefer “will.” Hence in British English, you say, “I shall go tomorrow,” while in American English we say, “I will go tomorrow.”

  1. The difference in using Got and Have

“Got” and “have” the same meanings. In British English, it would be written as, “Have you got a book,” while in American English it would be written as, “Do you have a book?”

  1. Major Spelling Differences

We all have seen the difference between color and colour in different books and texts. Similarly, some people write that we go to Sports Centre for practise while others write we go to Sports Center for practice. So, what’s the difference in all of these? Are both wrong, or both are right? The difference is only between the American and British English and nothing else. Both come with their own set of rules.

  1. The difference in using Quotation Marks (“)

In American English, double quotation marks are always used for direct speech and emphasizing on the meanings. Whereas in British English, the single quotation marks are often used for different purpose. For example, in American English, a sentence is Carefree means “free from care or anxiety.” If we have to write the same sentence in British English, it would be written as Carefree means ‘free from care or anxiety’. So, the use of Quotation marks is different in both.

  1. Abbreviations are Different

Forms of abbreviation are entirely different in both types of English. In American English, Mister, Misses, and Street are abbreviated Mr., Mrs., and St. with a period which comes after the abbreviation. But in British English, there is no period which comes after the abbreviations. It is easy to identify the difference between the two through this.

  1. Difference of Accent is an undeniable fact

There are different dialects for English, and majorly the British and American English has the most differences. Sometimes we don’t understand every word of a movie or a song lyrics, and we have to take support from the subtitle thing. It’s only due to the difference of dialects.

For example the Pronunciation of the letter “r”. It can be noticed very quickly. In American English, the letter “r” is always pronounced whereas in British English it’s not pronounced. The similar case is with the Pronunciation of the letter “t”. In American English, it sounds more like “d” whereas in British English it is pronounced more clearly. For example, the letter “r” in the word “computer” is pronounced more evident in the British version. You can easily check the difference between litter, better and other such words. One thing more all of this is in the casual style of speaking, otherwise, Americans also try to speak as clearly as they can.

  1. Dates are written in Different form

The style of writing date is different in both types of English. In American English, the month precedes the date, and this pattern is followed such as April 20, 2018, and it would be abbreviated as 4/20/18. In British English, it’s different because the date precedes the month such as 16 April 2018, and it would be abbreviated as 16/4/18. One should know both the forms to save themselves from any significant error.

  1. Time is told Differently

Similarly, while telling time, there are some minor differences as well. For example American say “half past five,” for 5:30 whereas the British people will say, “half five” for the same time.

Difference between american and canadian football score
  1. Is vs. –Iz

The pronunciation differences between American and British English are due to certain vowels and their way of delivering. Similarly, the difference between American and British language for -is and –iz is realise and realize.

Difference Between American And Canadian Football Coach

  1. -Re vs. –Er

The pronunciation differences between American and British English are due to certain vowels and their way of delivering. Similarly, the difference between American and British language for -re and –er is centre and center.

  1. –T vs. –Ed

Comparison Of American And Canadian Football

The pronunciation differences between American and British English are due to certain vowels and their way of delivering. Similarly, the difference between American and British language for -t and –ed is learnt and learned.

  1. –LL vs. –L

The pronunciation differences between American and British English are due to certain vowels and their way of delivering. Similarly, the difference between American and British language for -ll and –l is cancelled and canceled.

  1. –Our vs. –Or

The pronunciation differences between American and British English are due to certain vowels and their way of delivering. Similarly, the difference between American and British language for -our and –or is colour and color. The more we talk with people having this accent, the more we get used to it.

  1. A difference in Tag questions

A tag question is a grammatical form that turns a statement into a question. For example, “You don’t like him, do you?” Americans use tag questions, too, but less often than British people.

  1. –Ise vs. –Ize

The pronunciation differences between American and British English are due to certain vowels and their way of delivering. Similarly, the difference between American and British language for -ise and –ize is apologise and apologize. It’s not a very big different only the style of speech is different. The more we talk with people having this accent, the more we get used to it.

  1. –Ogue vs. –Og

The pronunciation differences between American and British English are due to certain vowels and their way of delivering. It’s not a very big different only the style of speech is different. The more we talk with people having this accent, the more we get used to it. Similarly, the difference between American and British language for -ogue and –og is Catalouge and Catalog.

  1. Difference in Vowels

Difference Between American And Canadian Football Score

There is a clear difference in vowel sound of British and American English. For example, the OH sound in British English is UH pull kind of sound. In American English, the jaw-dropping scenes is more than the British English. Similarly, in American English, there are so many words which are having letter “O” in them having the sound of “A” like honest, honor, etc. There are various letters and differences like this.


2011 Green Bay's Aaron Rodgers, left, and Pittsburgh's Ben Roethlisberger. The much hyped US Super Bowl is one of America's greatest games. but the US game came about thanks to Canadian rules.
Photo Credit: Getty Images- via CBC

Though American websites seldom, if ever, mention it, and American sportscasters probably don’t know it either, the origins of another of their greatest professional sports had come from Canada.

While Canadian James Naismith invented basketball, American style “football” also came from Canada, after Americans played a game developed in Canada.

American sports history often cites an 1869 game between Rutgers University and Princeton as the origin of their game of “football”, but that was a rather different style of game which bore little resemblance to what we call football today, including for example, having 25 players per side. Its only real claim to fame is the start of intercollegiate sports. In the latter part of the 1800’s both the US and Canadian universities were playing a soccer-like rugby brought over from England. However the sport had evolved somewhat in the new world, and also evolved rather differently in the two countries.

What is now known as one of the Americans greatest professional sports, thus came about as a result of American exposure to the Canadian version of the sport.

In 1874, the American Harvard University team was seeking to play against another university team and invited McGill University in Montreal to play against them. However, by this time the American and Canadian versions of rugby-football were substantially different.

Thus the decision was made to have the teams play two games, one by Harvard’s American rules, and one game played by Canadian rules.

On May 13 and 14, in 1874 two games were played in the US. The first was played using Harvard’s rules, which was a game more like soccer and using a round ball, the second was played using McGill rules, with an oblong ball.

The Harvard game was a soccer variation known as the “Boston Game.” This allowed a player to pick up the ball and run with it if he were chased, but if the pursuer stopped he would yell to the ball-holder who then had to throw or kick the ball.

As it turned out the Americans won the first game 3-0, while the second game with Canadian rules was a scoreless tie.

However, much more importantly for the US style game of today and extravaganzas like the Super Bowl, and all the others. the Harvard squad preferred the Canadian rules.

These included only fielding 11 players during a match, whereas the Americans usually played with 15 members (or more) on the field. Even today, American football only puts 11 members per team on the field.

The Harvard team liked the Canadian innovations to the game such as running with the ball, downs, forward passing, goal posts for a try, or touchdown, and tackling. They adopted the Canadian rules and they then introduced them into a match with Yale the following year.

American sources tend to cite this all U.S. game as the start of American football, ignoring the fact that Canada was the source of the Harvard game.

The initial McGill-Harvard game. also marked the first time admission was charged at a college sporting event, with a 50 cent fee for spectators, which apparently would be used post game for “entertaining” the visiting Canadian team. American college football now generates well over a billion of dollars in revenue every year.

In 1876 a formalized rulebook was created by US colleges as the new sport took a much different route from the sports of soccer and rugger (rugby), but one which had been very much influenced by the Canadian innovations.

Categories: International, Society
Tags: Canada, college, football, Harvard, McGill, Princeton, sports, super bowl, yale

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